Sheets -
- A
Beautiful Mind - The
Addams Family - An
American Tail - An
American Tail:
Fievel Goes West - Batman
- Batman
Returns - Beetlejuice
- Black
Beauty - Candyman
- Casper
- Charlie
and the
Chocolate Factory - Donnie
Darko - Edward
Scissorhands - Harry
Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban - Hook
- The
Horse Whisperer - Jurassic
Park - The
Land Before Time - Legend
- The
Lord of the Rings
Fellowship of the Ring - The
Lord of the Rings
The Two Towers - Meet
Joe Black - Monty
Meaning of Life - The
Nightmare Before
Christmas - Pee-wee's
Big Adventure - Pirates
of the Caribbean
Curse of the Black Pearl - Ratatouille
- Road
to Perdition - The
Rocky Horror
Picture Show - The
Shawshank Redemption - Shrek
- Spider-Man
- Star
The Empire Strikes Back - The
Time Machine - The
Truman Show - The

- Actrasier
- Chrono
Cross - Chrono
Trigger - Déjà
Vu - Disney
Adventures in
the Magic Kingdom - Earthworm
Jim 3D - Final
Fantasy IV - Final
Fantasy VI - Final
Fantasy VIII - Final
Crystal Chronicles - Kingdom
Hearts - Kingdom
Hearts II - Kirby
Superstar - Legend
of Mana - Legend
of Zelda
A Link to the Past - Legend
of Zelda
The Wind Waker - Little
The Dream Master - Lemmings
- Metroid
- Mega
Man - Mega
Man 2 - Mega
Man 3 - Mega
Man 5 - Mega
Man 6 - Mega
Man 7 - Mega
Man X3 - Mother
- Princess
Tomato - Secret
of Mana - Simon's
Quest - Sonic
the Hedgehog - Star
Tropics - Super
Bomberman - Super
Mario Bros. - Super
Mario Bros. 2 - Super
Mario Bros. 3 - Super
Mario World - Terranigma
- Zelda
Adventure of Link